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When it comes to going after what you want, you will ALWAYS hit a brick wall- sooner or later. Whether the brick wall is a person, a medical setback, or the most common- money, you as an undaunted individual have to know that in order to have the Sun you need the rain; however, never get stuck in the mud.


           Everything does happen for a reason and YES, unfortunate events do occur and you are not to blame, BUT, no one is responsible for how you choose to react to these situations. Majority of the time we understand this, during other drastic moments we choose not to understand this.


You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Have you ever felt like you weren't doing enough? Like the world was moving ten times the normal speed and everyone was living their best life, except for you? Well, it is and they are. I know this because whenever you are excelling in life, you feel overwhelmed with joy and happiness. Even when hitting a roadblock in life, you have the joy to fix the problem without other worries circling your mind and adding to your stress.

So, now that that’s out of the way, what are you doing that is making you feel like an irresponsible adult?


When it comes to procrastination, determination is nonexistent for the work you have to finish but is perfect for being lazy. Extra hour before class but have work due? Ooh, chilleee! Let me take this nap before my two-thirty. Cancelled plans for an important weekend? Yea, bro. I’m tired denabitch. Imma catch y’all later. Well, what if I told you procrastination is one of the greatest downfalls (in my experience) to a person staying in the exact same spot in their life?

Yeeeees, sug! By not putting 110% into everything you do, you are wheeling your life into a downward spiral to hell, rather than having yourself climb up the ladder to success. Once you find out what you want - hell, even who you want and what it takes to get them… what is stopping you?

A racer does not slow down, THEY SPEED UP!

Now, don’t get me wrong, EVERYONE procrastinates; BUUUTTTT, those who repeat the process make it a habit. Once it is a habit, it becomes apart of your routine. You cannot grow if you keep putting things off and you cannot learn if you do not make mistakes. So guys...

How Do I Breakup With the Old Me?

I’m glad you asked! Well, first and foremost, according to Solomon, L. J., & Rothblum, E. D. (1984) [ Yes, I'm getting literal on you hoes. Pay attention! ] procrastination is extremely high and mostly found in college students. Surprising, right?! During the research, the three doctors interviewed over 300 college students and asked them why were they procrastinating so much. The majority said it was because of “Fear of Failure and Adverseness of the Task.” So, how do you stop being scared of something that holds the fate of your destiny in it's hand? How can you handle this stress other than postponing other responsibilities?  

My advice? Breath. Cry. Write it out. Work out. Fuck it out. Talk shit from every angle of the table, but do not give up! Fear is temporary, a Degree is not. Once you have it, it is yours! Do not let your thoughts get in the way of your only destiny. Yes, college is hard, but you know what is harder to live with… regret.

For my people in the back...

who’s not in college but still procrastinate, do not worry, Dr. Summers is in and the same applies to you! You cannot just lie around, sitting on a hill of prayers, finger-crossing that one day life will magically change. This is not like the movies. If you want luck, you have to go find it yourself. Grandma, Mama or Daddy cannot hand you the world anymore. You must grab the world by the bolas and say, “I’m coming for you.” And then, grab yourself by the bolas and say, “I’m coming for everything!”

How To Stop Being Your Own Worse Enemy

Many of our worries and problems lives within our subconscious. We worry about someone being ahead of us, when we should worry about our own lane. Everyone is driving at a pace God set for them and everyone is driving through a storm only they can see.

So, first off, you should stop worrying about every one else. You have enough going on within your life and within yourself to be comparing your being to someone else. You are your own unique being and you have a different path destined for you than s/he does.

Secondly, find out what it is that you really want! It is o.k to want to work that 9-5. Hey, hey... do you boo. 👐🏾 All I’m asking is that you make sure that is, fasho’ fasho,’ what you want to do. Stop exclaiming on how you getting this money but complaining about how you never have time to go out or how you are sick of the pay. I tell you what you are getting ... DEPRESSED! Angry. Distant! ... A CAT!

Find your calling and let the rest find you. I’m big on following dreams, so I 1000% believe that you should follow your passion! The same God that create, Fred Hampton, Lana Del Rey and Boosie, created you.

Last, but not least, reassurance. Some of you guys wake up and fall asleep off of the approval of others. The very same Instagram models, football players, & rappers you follow and admire (while also lowkey hating), have assured themselves that they are going to chase after their dreams and do what they love regardless of who gives a flying fuck. Along the way, they have caught the attention of many eyes, including yours, which has led them to the position they are in at the moment. A position where their problems are not money problems, but MONEEEYYYY problems.

Now, don’t go thinking that I’m telling you that life gets easier when you follow your dreams and have money. Life never gets easier, no matter what level of success you are at. Like the late Notorious once said, “mo’ money, mo’ problems.“

All I’m saying is, find out what makes you happy, chase after that happiness, and stop procrastinating against the chase for your dreams. You know it has to get done and no one is going to do it for you, but you. Stop blaming others for what you bring upon yourself. You waited in the rain to see the sun, now you‘re stuck in the mud. Get yourself out!


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Tre Kinney
Tre Kinney
May 14, 2019

Great words, spoken by a great young beautiful black queen. Be your biggest fan and not your own worst enemy! ❤️


Feb 07, 2019

Amazing words of encouragement. Great examples, analogies, and energy overall. Loved it. Some of the sections were so good I wanted more though!

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